by idahopotatis1 | Oct 10, 2010 | work
In 2010 Navigator contacted us regarding a presentation of the Ecophon green-thinking solution. They wanted a film with a vector-like minimalistic approach. Music and Graphics : Peter Nyrell Ecophon – in a sustainable...
by idahopotatis1 | Sep 15, 2010 | work
In 2010 Scandvision contacted us about making a spot for a youth soccer tournament called “Sanktan”. We made two versions (10 & 20 seconds). Tools : Maya, After Effects Sanktan Soccer Spot – 20 second...
by idahopotatis1 | Apr 10, 2010 | work
During late 2009 Henrik Nord / Haunted House & Peter Nyrell got recognition from the release of Bird & Snail, an app with at this time a huge amount of content for an iPhone device. Callaway Digital Art´s wanted to make an app of their biggest IP –...
by idahopotatis1 | Mar 15, 2010 | work
In Februari 2010 Östersund opened the doors to its winter festival. As in 2008, Primitiv got involved, now with two different projects – Music & Sound editing for the projection at the City Council and 3D Graphics / Sound editing for the Big...
by idahopotatis1 | Aug 20, 2009 | work
In 2009 we got to do an installation för the annual summer festival in Malmoe. The project, directed by Henrik Nord / Haunted House was a huge undertaking with over 100 min of special composed music and AE graphics to be carried out in only three weeks. The different...